About Utrecht City in Business

Utrecht City in Business is part of the city of Utrecht and belongs to the Utrecht Region. Our most important objective is creating employment in Utrecht. Our services focus on national and international companies looking to establish in the centre of the Netherlands. We support with personal guidance and advice. With this goal in mind, we advise you about the opportunities and possibilities in the city and inform you about the different business sectors and business locations Utrecht has to offer.  To provide you with the best advice, we work with multiple partners in the city and region.

Utrecht Region

Internationally we collaborate under the Utrecht Region name with our regional partners: Economic Board Utrecht, Invest Utrecht, Utrecht Science Park and various other cities in the region, such as the city of Amersfoort. We join forces and promote the region as an international business location. Together, we create a better return.

Finding the right location

At Utrecht City in Business, we specifically focus on finding the right location for business accommodations, office buildings and science companies. For other types of establishment, we would like to refer you to other contact points in the city:

• For questions about the establishment of your hotel, bar or restaurant, please refer to the specialised business realtors in the city.

• For questions about establishing retail premises, please refer to the specialised business realtors in the city.

• For questions about establishing cultural, social or commercial activities that focus on intrinsic collaboration, please refer to our colleagues of Makelpunt.

Our team

Business Advisor Sustainability

Steyn Tielemans

Business Advisor Sustainability

T +31 (0)30 286 43 12
M +31 (0)6 186 896 38
E steyn.tielemans@utrecht.nl

Business Advisor Creative Industry & Logistics

Astrid Renne

Business Advisor Creative Industry & Logistics

T +31 (0)30 286 40 90
M +31 (0)6 228 890 32
E a.renne@utrecht.nl

Business Advisor Culture & Creative Industry

Saskia Kluitmans

Business Advisor Culture & Creative Industry

T +31 (0)30 286 26 40
M +31 (0)6 283 105 68
E s.kluitmans@utrecht.nl

Business Advisor business locations Haarrijn / Oudenrijn

Lotte van Rooij

Business Advisor business locations Haarrijn / Oudenrijn

M +31 (0)6 420 736 53
E lotte.van.rooij@utrecht.nl

Would you like more information or have questions regarding your company launch?
Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us now!

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